Around Wosen, House No 2392

Our CCCM and its impact


About Project

  • Our Camp Coordination and Camp Management program, financed and managed by IOM-RRF and IOM-EHF support, has had a significant impact on the lives of over 200,000 people affected by North Ethiopia crises, Borena drought, and Benshangul Gumze conflicts. Our program has not only improved site planning on all 25 camps we have managed, but also facilitated the reintegration of IDPs, ensuring durable solutions for returnees and full decommissioning of 4 IDP camps in Sekota Waghimra zone of Amhara Region.
  • Through effective advocacy, our team has pushed for more humanitarian services to be provided to those in need. We have deployed about 60 full-time staff in the emergency camps who have worked tirelessly to achieve the objectives of the program. Our team has effectively coordinated the establishment and management of camps and camp-like settings, ensuring that adequate shelter, water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities are available. They have also worked to ensure that camp residents are protected from harm, including violence, exploitation, and abuse.
  • In addition to managing camps, our CCCM team has worked to coordinate the overall humanitarian response in a specific area, liaising with other organizations and agencies to ensure that efforts are well-coordinated and that the needs of affected populations are being met.
  • Overall, the role of CCCM in humanitarian response is critical in ensuring that those affected by crises have access to basic necessities and are able to live in safe and dignified conditions. Our program has made a significant impact on the lives of those we serve, providing essential services and support during times of crisis.