Around Wosen, House No 2392


Our education program target school girls and boys with vulnerable family background, disconnected from education due to varies social economical and psychological reasons. Our education program focusses on enhancing the capacity of school structure, enhancing the capacity of teachers, organizing tutorial program, providing scholastic material support, improving school environment, promoting girls friendly school structure and education resource mobilization. Our education program also targets early childhood development center, primary and secondary school and education in emergency. Doing so through our varies education programs we directly manage to reach more than 10,200 students in 17 primary and ECCD and 6 high schools.

Second Chance Education Project

This project target school age boys and girls excluded from formal education due to poverty, conflict, migration and other factors. The project employs Accelerated learning program (ALP) and Second chance education strategies to facilitate re-enrollment of school dropout. The project is running in 25 primary schools in Oromia and Dire Dawa Targeting 3274(F=1669) students.

Girls Education Project

Our Girls’ education program target school age girls denied of school enrollment due to social cultural and economic factors. Our girl’ education program work to address the challenges of school girls through implementing varies strategies. Advocating girls’ education, empowering girls, working with the parents, improving girls friendly school environment, organizing tutors’ programs, conduct awareness raising public events, strengthen school mini medias, girls’ clubs, establishing girls’ education clusters, sponsorship, and mobilizing resource for girls’ education are some of the strategies we employ. Currently we are targeting 9297 students in 6 high schools of 6 Woredas in East Harerghe, Zone of Oromia region.

Our Project Accomplishments