Around Wosen, House No 2392


 Profile and Capability Statement / / 249 views

STRATEGIC GOALS Humanitarian Strategic Goal: Contributes to humanitarian and emergency operations for saving lives through comprehensive engagement in emergency relief support Development Strategic Goal: Contributes to broader development operations through integrated livelihood, WASH, Peace Building, Women and child care, reintegration, PSS etc and contribution to basic human development The Strategic Advantage of Partnering with PAD
  • We provide high-quality services at a lower cost
  • Deeper grassroot presence
  • Extensive coverage and local knowledge
  • Expertise in managing development, emergency, and nexus programs
  • Transparency and accountability in program management:
  • Our moderate risk level in EHF-OCHA due diligence assessment: demonstrating commitment to compliance and quality service delivery
  • PAD’s government relations and commitment to quality service delivery
  • PAD’s proven track record and partnership INGOS and UN agencies
  • Our proven track record of successful program management
  • Our proved collaboration with private sector and universities
  • Our capacity in maximizing impact
  • Reaching the unreachable
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