Around Wosen, House No 2392

Our OVC intervention and its impact

Our OVC intervention and its impact

About Project

  • Our alternative community-based child care program has made a significant impact on the lives of vulnerable children, promoting better education outcomes, improved mental health, reduced rates of homelessness and unemployment, and ultimately a more just and equitable society. Through our USAID-funded project, we have created a caring environment for OVCs and mobilized and coordinated stakeholders for a more comprehensive response towards the challenges faced by children affected.
  • Our 3-year project in Dire Dawa administration has helped 5900 OVCs (2850 F) to live a dignified life with sustained access to all basic needs, including health, education, livelihood, legal, hygiene, and sanitation support through community-based initiatives. In addition, the project has established community infrastructure with the capacity to support children outside parental care in a more sustainable way, even in times where there are limited funding opportunities.
  • We are proud to have made a positive impact on the lives of many vulnerable children through our alternative community-based child care program. Our efforts have contributed to promoting better health outcomes, reducing homelessness and unemployment rates, and creating opportunities for vulnerable children to access essential services and live a dignified life.