Around Wosen, House No 2392

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Access to safe water and sanitation is a human right. But right now, millions of people n Ethiopia do not have access to safe water and the same millions cannot access the sanitation services they need.

Our work

PAD works to ensure that people in different parts of Ethiopia have equitable, sustainable and affordable access to water and sanitation services.

Improving global WASH access and awareness is an integral part of our overall work in health and care building healthier and more resilient communities. Collectively we reach over 10, 000  people with quality water, sanitation and hygiene activities every year.

Our work in WASH involves both a ‘hardware’ and ‘software’ approach:

  • On the hardware side, we build WASH infrastructure such as toilets and community water pumps. We also repair or build sewage systems, water storage and water treatment facilities.
  • On the software side, we run hygiene promotion and behavior change activities to improve people’s knowledge of good sanitation and hygiene practices (such as proper handwashing). We also support communities to effectively manage and maintain their water, sanitation and hygiene facilities.

More and more we are integrating WASH activities into other areas of our long-term and emergency work—from nutrition to protection, gender and inclusion. And we constantly research.

Our Project Accomplishments